This comes to us from Mitch W1SJ:
” In just under a week from now, it's HAM-CON 2016, next Saturday, February 27th at the Holiday Inn Convention Center, Williston Road at I-89 Exit 14 (1068 Williston Rd).
As Ed Sullivan used to say, “We have a really great shooooooooow!”
And as Bernie sez, “This will be huuuuuuuuuge!”
Doors open to the public at 8AM, and you want to get there early so as not to miss anything.
Our guest speaker is Joe Rudi NK7U. Right now, he is at home in Nevada, remotely operating his super station in Oregon in the ARRL DX Contest. Some 40 years ago, he was playing 1st base for the Oakland A's! Joe is one of the few people who can say that he traded in his bat and glove for a mike and key! We'll have him on line via Skype where he can tell us his amazing story.
Joel Hallas W1ZR is back to inform us all things technical in “The Doctor is In!” He will open up the show with a talk on Multiband Antennas at 8:30, so get there early.
We have all sorts of talks on topics you want to learn about, including, Remote Control of a BIG ham station, Building Your Own Station, Digital Voice Repeaters and the ARRL National Parks on the Air Program. For times and details, refer to the program at
or else, pick up a program at the door.
It wouldn't be HAM-CON without the Flea Market! Table reservations are running ahead of last year, and we expect a full room. Don't have time to sell your stuff? No problem, we will sell it for you. For this service, you have to be a RANV member (hint, hint) and you have to deliver the good to the sales table with list of items and prices. Nothing over 30 pounds, please!
As you pull up to HAM-CON, look for the big yagi out in front! W1V will be on the air working the world. Please do make a point to sign up and operate -it's Fun! We'll have a Tech table where you can check out your radio, demonstrations on digital radio and remote control, and hundreds hams, just like you, wandering around for no apparent reason.
The Closing Ceremonies will be at 12:55 and we have a whole bunch of nice prizes, culminating in the grand prize, a 40″ Hi-Definition TV with Roku courtesy of WCAX-TV. You must be present to win, so no sneaking out the back door! The VE session will be at 1:15 and it is FREE this year- but you still must study. And if you haven't studied, come learn about the upcoming Technician and General Classes on April 23-24 in our area.
So get your schedule set up, put together your car pools and head on over to HAM-CON next Saturday. You don't get to have any fun if you don't attend. Admission is $8 at the door, or $6 on-line, but hurry as advance sales close this weekend.
Hope to see you at HAM-CON 2016!
HAM-CON Information:
Phone: 879-6589 ”
73 de STARC
Originally posted by Mike Gladu – STARC Technical Advisor on 2016-02-21