K1JAY Repeaters are back on the air

As of today, the K1JAY  2m and 70cm Repeaters are back in service! They are currently on the temporary indoors  antenna until  better weather allows us to get up on the roof top to repair or replace the antenna.  I want to personally put out a huge “Thank You” to N1FBZ-Mike and KB1JME-David…..it takes a “Very Dedicated Amatuer Radio Person” to work on 4,000ft. Mountain Top Repeater Sites!  




Originally posted by Jason Garneau – STARC Treasurer on 2016-04-02

Author: STARC Admin

1 thought on “K1JAY Repeaters are back on the air

  1. KB1PGN. Live in Richford . I can see the very top of Jay and tram house. I have tried to raise anybody but to no avail. I used to use Sutton Que, but it’s not there anymore. For a while I knew jay-was down. Just wondering why I can’t get hold of anybody?

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