Question from the Extra License Class question pool:" May an Extra class operator answer the CQ of a station on 3.601 MHz LSB phone?A. Yes, the entire signal will be inside the SSB allocation for Extra class operatorsB. Yes, the displayed frequency is within the 75-meter phone band segmentC. No, the sideband components will extend beyond the edge of the phone band segmentD. No, US stations are not permitted to use phone emissions below 3.610 MHz "Put your answer in a 'Comment'. If we 'LIKE' your answer, then you are correct. Good luck!73 de STARC ... See MoreSee Less
Question from the General License Class question pool:" What measurement is specified by FCC rules that regulate maximum power?A. RMS output from the transmitterB. RMS input to the antennaC. PEP input to the antennaD. PEP output from the transmitter "Put your answer in a 'Comment'. If we 'LIKE' your answer, then you are correct. Good luck!73 de STARC ... See MoreSee Less
Question from the Technician License Class question pool:" When is willful interference to other amateur radio stations permitted?A. To stop another amateur station that is breaking the FCC rulesB. At no time C. When making short test transmissionsD. At any time, stations in the Amateur Radio Service are not protected from willful interference "Put your answer in a 'Comment'. If we 'LIKE' your answer, then you are correct. Good luck!73 de STARC ... See MoreSee Less
More FCC rules and regulations that you really should know as an ARO (Amateur Radio Operator)." §97.3 Definitions.(11) Call sign system. The method used to select a call sign for amateur station over-the-air identification purposes. The call sign systems are:(i) Sequential call sign system. The call sign is selected by the FCC from an alphabetized list corresponding to the geographic region of the licensee's mailing address and operator class. The call sign is shown on the license. The FCC will issue public announcements detailing the procedures of the sequential call sign system.(ii) Vanity call sign system. The call sign is selected by the FCC from a list of call signs requested by the licensee. The call sign is shown on the license. The FCC will issue public announcements detailing the procedures of the vanity call sign system.(iii) Special event call sign system. The call sign is selected by the station licensee from a list of call signs shown on a common data base coordinated, maintained and disseminated by the amateur station special event call sign data base coordinators. The call sign must have the single letter prefix K, N or W, followed by a single numeral 0 through 9, followed by a single letter A through W or Y or Z (for example K1A). The special event call sign is substituted for the call sign shown on the station license grant while the station is transmitting. The FCC will issue public announcements detailing the procedures of the special event call sign system. "73 de STARC ... See MoreSee Less
QST QST QST – ARRL VE Test Session, Saturday, March 15, 2025, in St. Albans, VTThis is a QST.The Northwestern VT ARRL VE Team will be having a test session Saturday, March 15, 2025, at 9:00 am, at the VFW post 758, 353 Lake Street, Saint Albans, VT 05478-2268.See this for more info: location:,-73.1030396,17z/data=!3m1...Please contact: Eric Lessard NJ1S, phone: (802) 497-9000, or email: if you would like to take an exam. (Walk-ins allowed)BYOM – Bring Your Own Mask. Masks not mandatory but recommended. Social distancing also necessary.You MUST have a FRN number to take an exam. See this: if you do not already have one and need to get one.You also need to provide a valid email address on your 605 Form to get your license.We look forward to testing you and telling you, “Congratulation, you passed your exam”.73 de STARC ... See MoreSee Less