STARC – February Meeting Recap
STARC would like to thank everyone that braved the poor weather to attend the club meeting on Thursday, February 25th. Several topics were covered, including: IRLP Demonstration and discussion by N1ARN Discussion of the possibility of configuring IRLP on the Jay Peak VHF repeater, when back online Demonstration of the new STARC website by N1ARN Approval of STARC poster project,…
Message from Mitch W1SJ about HAM-CON 2016
” Everyone, We had a wonderful time at HAM-CON 2016 last weekend. I've made available links to some of the presentations at the show. I also have videos of two of the presentations. They are not great productions, as we don't have staff to man the camera, but you should get a good idea what was going on. There are…
STARC Upcoming Meeting Schedule
STARC is looking forward to seeing you at one of our monthly meetings. Everyone (licensed or non-licensed) is encouraged to attend. The STARC meeting schedule for the next couple of months is as follows: March meeting: Thursday, March 31st – 7:30pm April meeting: Thursday, April 28th – 7:30pm Originally posted by Jason Garneau – STARC Treasurer on 2016-02-27
QST QST QST – HAM-CON is next Saturday Feb. 27th
This comes to us from Mitch W1SJ: ” In just under a week from now, it's HAM-CON 2016, next Saturday, February 27th at the Holiday Inn Convention Center, Williston Road at I-89 Exit 14 (1068 Williston Rd). As Ed Sullivan used to say, “We have a really great shooooooooow!” And as Bernie sez, “This will be huuuuuuuuuge!” Doors open to…
K1JAY Repeaters Update
The Tram is finally back in service and STARC repeater maintenance team is waiting for some electrical work to be completed before the K1JAY repeaters can be put back in service. Our repeater techs are chomping at the bit to get K1JAY back 'On-The-Air!' Stay tuned here or check our FaceBook page for updates. We thank you for your patience….
2016 Officer Election Results
STARC would like to announce our new Club Officers for 2016: President: N1ARN – Arn Benjamin Vice President: N1WXB – Homer Wetherby Treasurer: K1LOL – Jason Garneau We are still looking for a member to volunteer for the Secretary role. If you are interested, please contact any of the current officers. Originally posted by Jason Garneau – STARC Treasurer on…
STARC Weekly Net – Now on Thursday evenings at 7pm
STARC's weekly 2m Net has moved to Thursday evenings, starting at 7pm. We hope that Thursday evenings will be easier for most members to participate. If you have any questions or feedback, please let us know. Originally posted by Jason Garneau – STARC Treasurer on 2016-02-15