Modifications to STARC Constitution and Bylaws Approved

As announced, STARC members voted by email and mail-in ballots and in person at the November START meeting to update STARC's Constitution and Bylaws.   All four proposed  modifications were voted on individually, and all four modifications were approved.  The approved changes will help STARC to continue to operate on a regular basis, while acknowledging that it is not always…

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November Meeting Reminder – Thursday, November 17th – 7:30pm

The November STARC meeting will be held on Thursday, November 17th at 7:30pm, due to the Thanksgiving holiday.  We will be voting on changes to the constitution and bylaws, so please try to attend. All meetings take place at the St. Albans VFW located at 353 Lake Road, St Albans, VT. Thanks! -STARC Originally posted by Jason Garneau – STARC…

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STARC members have met at the past two monthly club meetings (September 29th 2016 and October 28th 2016) and have held a healthy discussion on how to make STARC more effective and efficient for the coming years.   STARC’s current constitution needs to be updated to ensure the success of the club going forward.     Current Issue:   STARC…

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STARC Upcoming Meeting Schedule

STARC looks  forward to seeing you at one of our upcoming monthly meetings. Everyone,  licensed or non-licensed, members or non-members,  are  encouraged to attend. The STARC meeting schedule for the next couple of months is as follows: October meeting: Thursday, October 27th – 7:30pm November meeting:  Date and time will be posted shortly All meetings take place at the St….

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Jay Peak Repeater Update

Last Saturday, October 8th,  STARC Members replaced the inside dual-band antenna at the Jay Peak repeater site.  Future plans are in place to install  the antenna on the roof top at a later date when the tram is back in operation and weather permits.   Many thanks go out to N1FBZ-Mike, KB1JME-David and  W1EAM-Alan for all of their hard work!…

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September 2016 Meeting Notes

STARC would like to thank everyone who attended the September monthly meeting.  Some of the items discussed included the following: The STARC Repeater team is looking into making a trip to the summit of Jay Peak on the weekend of October 8th to attempt repeater repairs.  This may include mounting of the new replacement antenna, depending on weather. The current…

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New website features!

STARC has added three new items to our website's Amateur Radio Dashboard – available on the right-hand side of the STARC website homepage.   These new features include: ARRL News highlights – Get the latest Amateur Radio news, right from the ARRL Upcoming Contest List – Stay up-to-date on upcoming contests taking place around the world DX's DXpedition Calendar…

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STARC Summer Hamfest 8/13/16

STARC would like to thank everyone that braved the rainy weather today and came to our hamfest. We had a pretty decent turn out with much ARO conversation and items given out for door prizes. Some of the lucky winners were Horace N1HC, Dan N1FYL, Jake KC1FZY, and Tony WA2LRE. If you did not happen to make it to the…

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STARC would like to wish all of the AROs and their families a very HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY !! 73 de STARC Originally posted by Mike Gladu – STARC Technical Advisor on 2016-07-03

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STARC Field Day Update

Due to insufficient participation this year, STARC will not take part as a club in Field Day 2016. Originally posted by Jason Garneau – STARC Treasurer on 2016-06-20

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