STARC Upcoming Monthly Meetings
STARC looks forward to seeing you at one of our upcoming monthly meetings. Everyone, licensed or non-licensed, members or non-members, are encouraged to attend. The STARC meeting schedule for the next couple of months is as follows: July Meeting: Thursday, July 27th – 7:30pm Site visit to N1STA tower site (weather permitting) – Meet at VFW. August…
Lake Placid Ironman – Volunteers needed!
The following message comes to us from our friends at the Champlain Valley Amateur Radio Club in Morrisonville, NY: Sunday, Sept 10th is the Lake Placid Ironman 70.3. A 70.3 is half a full Ironman. 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike and 13.1 run. We have to cover 3 bike aid station, from 12-14 ambulances, 3 at net control and…
Saratoga County Hamfest – Sunday, September 10th
The following message comes to us from Peter, W2BEW: That’s right – it’s back again, for the 32nd time! The 32nd Annual Saratoga County Hamfest will be held SUNDAY SEPT.10 at the County Fairgrounds in Ballston Spa , NY . Last year’s hamfest was Bigger and Better than the previous year – despite the Boxboro convention that same weekend. Please…
Happy Independence Day from STARC!
STARC would like to wish all of the AROs (Amateur Radio Operators) and their families a 'Happy 4th of July'! 73 de STARC Originally posted by Mike Gladu – STARC Technical Advisor on 2017-07-04
VE Exam Session Success!
STARC would like to thank the following VEs for helping with the ARO test session at the Northwest Medical Center last evening: Eric N1RCX, David KC1APK, Jason K1LOL, and Michael N1FBZ. We had one candidate take a test and they successfully upgraded from Technician Class to General Class. He must have studied a whole bunch as he only missed one…
STARC thanks the AROs that helped out today at the 2017 Bike for the Lake
STARC would like to thank the following AROs for helping out with the radio comms for the 2017 'Bike for the Lake' event today: Arn N1ARN – Alburgh Welcome Center, Jason K1LOL – St. Anne's Shrine, Larry KB1ZEB – St. Anne's Shrine, Bob WI2B – Monty Bay, Phil WG2W – Monty Bay, Allen W1EAM – Snow Farm Winery, John N1LXI…
Switchback – Bike for the Lake: Volunteers needed!
STARC will once again be providing communications capabilities for the Switchback Bike for the Lake – 2017 taking place in Grand Isle county and the upper-Eastern shore of Lake Champlain in New York. Communications activities will start at 6:30am, and end at 4:30pm Saturday, June 17th. If you are able to assist, please contact Arn Benjamin – or Jason…
Upcoming Amateur Radio Exam sessions in St. Albans!
Scheduled Amateur Radio testing is coming soon to St. Albans, making it more convenient for residents of the Franklin County area to either get or upgrade their amateur radio licenses. When: Friday, June 30th – 6:00pm Where: Northwestern Medical Center Additional sessions are also scheduled for future dates: Friday, September 29th – 6:00pm Saturday, November 18th –…
STARC AROs provided radio comms for the 'Run for Jim' event today
STARC would like to thank the following AROs for helping out with the radio comms for the 'Run for Jim' event today: Arn N1ARN, Richard WA1UVM, Jaime KB1MCU, Adrienne KA1RXD, Nick KB1RWB, Michael N1FBZ. Thank you for your service! We are going to need help for the Switchback 'Ride for the Lake' event this Summer. Hint, hint. 73 de STARC…
NEQP – New England QSO Party – May 6-7, 2017
The below message comes to us from Tom Frenaye, K1KI: To New England radio clubs: I'd appreciate your help in publicizing the upcoming New England QSO Party on May 6th and 7th. Please mention it at your next club meeting and in your newsletter. The NEQP is a great time to check out antenna systems and offers…