Sad news about our fellow ham and dear friend, KB1JME
It is with great sadness, STARC has learned of the passing of fellow member and friend David DiPerna – KB1JME. Dave was a great man, well-known ham, and a key player behind the scenes at STARC. Dave was the trustee and one of the primary care-takers of the K1JAY repeaters. He will be greatly missed by all of…
November STARC Meeting: Thursday, November 30th – 7:30pm
Meeting Reminder: This month's Saint Albans Amateur Radio Club meeting will take place on: Date / Time: Thursday, November 30th – 7:30pm Location: St. Albans VFW – 353 Lake Road, St. Albans, VT Meeting Topics: …
Happy Thanksgiving message from STARC
Starc would like to wish all the AROs (Amateur Radio Operators) and their families a very 'Happy Turkey Day'!! Remember to be thankful for all that you have and remember those that can not be with their families this Thanksgiving. 73 de STARC Originally posted by Mike Gladu – STARC Technical Advisor on 2017-11-22
St. Albans area ARRL VE Test Session results
Today's St. Albans area ARRL VE Test Session ended with two new General Class Licenses earned, and two new Technician Class Licenses earned. We even had one candidate with an EXPIRED General Class License, from the late '60's, who showed up with photocopies from a callbook that had his original General Class License callsign, take, and pass his Technician Class…
Cub Scout Jamboree on the Air – Saturday, October 21st
The Cub Scout Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) will be at the Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, 38 Grand Ave. Swanton, VT 05488 on Saturday October 21st. 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. We would love the assistance of any ham operators that would like to volunteer to setup a station or work with the scouts about different things related to radio….
Thank You to everyone that attended our hamfest today.
STARC would like to thank everybody that showed up today to attend our hamfest. The weather at first did not look good but after the down pour was done the rest of the day was FANTASTIC! We hope that you had a nice time. We enjoyed all of the eyeball QSOs. Below are some pictures of the fun….
QST QST QST – St. Albans Amateur Radio Club Hamfest 2017 – Aug. 12th
This is a QST. The St. Albans Amateur Radio Club (STARC) is having their annual hamfest this coming Saturday August 12th at the VFW Hall, 353 Lake Rd, St. Albans, VT. All are welcome to attend. This is a RAIN or SHINE event. There is plenty of inside space available for selling as well as outside tailgating spaces. All the…
Boy Scouts Pack 832 honors N1ARN
Fellow ARO and past member of STARC, Michael Banyea (W1MSB) and son attended the July STARC meeting to present an award to STARC President Arn Benjamin (N1ARN) for his assistance with the 2016 Boy Scouts Jamboree On the Air event. The award, shown below, was presented on behalf of Boy Scout Pack 832. Congrats, Arn! Originally posted by Jason…
K1JAY Repeater Antenna Replacement – July 30th, 2017
On Sunday, July 30th, STARC members David (KB1JME), Mike (N1FBZ), Allen (W1EAM), David (KB1RWB) and Jason (K1LOL) took the tram to the summit of Jay Peak to replace the K1JAY repeater antenna, located on the roof of the Tram House at the summit of the mountain. The weather couldn't have been better for this trip, with the temperature in the…
QST QST QST – STARC July 27th Meeting Reminder:
This month's Saint Albans Amateur Radio Club meeting will take place on: Date / Time: Thursday, July 27th – 7:30pm Location: St. Albans VFW – 353 Lake Road, St. Albans, VT Meeting Topics: STARC Hamfest Misc. topics Depending on weather, we may take a field trip to the N1STA tower site as part of Thursday's meeting. Please…