Run for Jim – Sunday, May 6th, 2018:
This year's Run for Jim event will be held on Sunday, May 6th at the Collins Perkey Sport & Fitness Center: Route 104, St. Albans, VT. STARC has helped provide radio communcations for this event for the last several years, and is looking for volunteers to help out with this year's event. The entire “run” typically lasts 2…
St. Johnsbury Academy to have Amateur Radio Technician Classes
This comes to us from Marina Cole, M.Ed., the Adult Education Coordinator of the St. Johnsbury Academy: ” Good morning, Amateur Radio Enthusiasts, Do you know someone interested in joining the world of amateur radio? St. Johnsbury Academy will host a technician's licensing class starting April 17, and registration is now open. Please help us spread the…
QST QST QST – STARC March 2018 Meeting this coming Thursday March 29th at our new location
QST QST QST – STARC March 2018 Meeting this coming Thursday March 29th at our new location This is a QST: STARC March Meeting Reminder: This month's STARC meeting will take place on: Date / Time: Thursday, March 29th – 7:30pm New Location: Elks Lodge – 43 Gricebrook Road, St. Albans, VT Meeting topics: – STARC website updates and suggestions…
Another successful test session by the Northwestern Vermont ARRL VE Team!
STARC would like to thank the following VEs for helping to administer the exams this AM: Jason K1LOL, Eric N1RCX, Nick KB1RWB, John WA1JL, Michael N1FBZ. We had two candidates testing, both earned their Technician Class Licenses and one of them upgraded to General Class License. Another successful test session by the Northwestern Vermont ARRL VE Team. See you next…
QST QST QST – ARRL VE Session March 17, 2018
QST QST QST – ARRL VE Session March 17, 2018 This is a QST. The Northwestern Vermont ARRL VE Team has scheduled the following Amateur Radio Exam session, right here in Franklin county: Date: Saturday, March 17, 2018 Time: 9:00am Location: North Western Medical Center (NMC) Conference Room 2 (follow signs to the Conference Center / East Entrance): 133 Fairfield…
Winlink Seminar – Saturday, March 24 – Derby, VT
The following message comes to us from our friends at the Northeast Kingdom Amateur Radio Club (NEKARC). The Orleans County Sheriff's Department is located at 5578 US Route 5, Derby, VT: SPECIAL ACTIVITIES March 24th will be a busy day for the club. We will meet at 10:00 a.m. at the Orleans County Sheriff's Dept. for a “seminar” on…
STARC Meeting Location Update
STARC is moving it's monthly meetings and annual HamFest to a new location. Starting in March, all future meetings will be held at: St. Albans Elks Lodge 44 Gricebrook Road St. Albans, VT This location is convenient to our members, as well as conveniently located right off of Exit 19 of I-89. Monthly meetings will…
STARC February Meeting Reminder
This month's STARC meeting will take place on: Date / Time: Thursday, Feburary 22nd – 7:30pm Location: St. Albans VFW – 353 Lake Road, St. Albans, VT Additional meeting topics: – STARC Meeting location update (VFW) …
HAM-CON 2018 – Saturday, February 24th 8am – 1pm
The following message comes to us from our friends at RANV: HAM-CON -The Vermont Radio And Technology Show, will be held Saturday, February 24th 8AM-1PM at the Holiday Inn Convention Center, 1068 Williston Road, South Burlington. HAM-CON is a gathering of hundreds of technology enthusiasts from all over Vermont, New York, New Hampshire and Quebec. Their interests range from…
VT QSO Party – Begins Friday, February 2nd
This comes to us from VT ARRL Section Manager Paul AA1SU: VT QSO Party is this weekend! The Vermont QSO Part starts at 7 PM on Friday, February 2 and ends at 7 PM on Sunday, February 4. This is your chance to put the rare state of Vermont on the air! Stations around the world will be looking for…