2019 – Ironman – Lake Placid – Volunteers needed
The below message comes to us from our friends across the lake at CVARC: Hi everyone We are again looking for volunteers for the July 28th Ironman. We need close to 30 so if you can help us out it would be greatly appreciated. The link for signing up ishttp://ironman.volunteerlocal.com/volunteer/?id=34454 . Look for “Licensed ham radio operator†for the position….
QST QST QST – ARRL VE Session April 20, 2019
This is a QST. The Northwestern Vermont ARRL VE Team has scheduled the following Amateur Radio Exam session, right here in Franklin county: Date: Saturday, April 20, 2019 Time: 9:00am Location: North Western Medical Center (NMC) Conference Room 3 (follow signs to the Conference Center / East Entrance): 133 Fairfield St St. Albans, VT 05478 Please feel free to contact…
2019 Run For Jim – Volunteers Needed
This year's Run for Jim event will be held on Sunday, May 9th at the Collins Perley Sport & Fitness Center: Route 104, St. Albans, VT. STARC has helped provide radio communications for this event for the last several years, and is looking for volunteers to help out with this year's event. The entire “run” typically lasts 2…
QST QST QST – STARC March 2019 Meeting this coming Thursday March 28th
This month's STARC meeting will take place on: Date / Time: Thursday, March 28th – 7:00pm Location: Elks Lodge – 43 Gricebrook Road, St. Albans, VT Meeting topics: – Upcoming Amateur Radio events in the region Originally posted by Mike Gladu…
QST QST QST – ARRL VE Session March 16, 2019
This is a QST. The Northwestern Vermont ARRL VE Team has scheduled the following Amateur Radio Exam session, right here in Franklin county: Date: Saturday, March 16, 2019 Time: 9:00am Location: North Western Medical Center (NMC) Conference Room 3 (follow signs to the Conference Center / East Entrance): 133 Fairfield St St. Albans, VT 05478 Please feel free to contact…
Nick Flora, KB1RWB – Silent Key
It is with great sadness, STARC has learned of the passing of Nick Flora, KB1RWB, on Saturday, February 9, 2019. Nick was one of our most active club members, always willing to lend a hand whenever needed. He has served as our club Secretary since January of 2018. Most importantly, he has been a great friend to all…
January Meeting reminder
This month's STARC meeting will take place on: Date / Time: Thursday, January 31st – 7:00pm Location: Elks Lodge – 43 Gricebrook Road, St. Albans, VT Meeting topics: – Upcoming Amateur Radio events in the region Originally posted…
QST QST QST – Vermont Ham Radio Breakfast is this coming Saturday Jan. 26th!
QST QST QST – Vermont Ham Radio Breakfast is this coming Saturday Jan. 26th! This is a QST. This comes to us from Mitch W1SJ: ” The Vermont Ham Radio Event of the Winter: The Vermont Ham Radio Breakfast: Saturday, January 26, 9-noon at JP's Deli, 39 River Rd, Essex Junction. Join 25-30 other Hamsters as they eat and talk…
STARC Holiday Party – December 27th
This year's STARC Holiday party will take place on Thursday, December 27th. Doors open at 5:30pm, with dinner beginning at 6pm. Pizzas will be provided, however we would love for people also bring their most famous pot-luck dishes for everyone to enjoy. We hope to see you there! Originally posted by Jason Garneau – STARC President on 2018-12-21
QST QST QST – ARRL VE Session December 15, 2018
This is a QST. The Northwestern Vermont ARRL VE Team has scheduled the following Amateur Radio Exam session, right here in Franklin county: Date: Saturday, December 15, 2018 Time: 9:00am Location: North Western Medical Center (NMC) Conference Room 3 (follow signs to the Conference Center / East Entrance): 133 Fairfield St St. Albans, VT 05478 Please feel free to contact…